Text and photos: Javier Prieto Gallego / Translation: Amy Harmon
Boats on one of the banks of the Pisuerga River. The ride in these boats is one ofthe youthful memories for several generations of Valladolid residents. It’s another way to enjoy a river that is also a true hallmark of the city’s identity.
Another way, of course, is to take advantage of its banks for a leisurely stroll that connects gardens, squares, and bridges. This stroll can start at the dock of the Canal de Castilla (Canal of Castile) and then continue towards the puente Mayor (Mayor Bridge), Las Moreras garden, el puente Colgante (Suspension Bridge), and the Monasterio de Nuestra Señora de Prado (Monastery of Our Lady of Prado).
From here, this walk could end by exploring the halls of the nearby Museo de la Ciencia (Science Museum) and, even more fittingly, those of the Casa del Río (House of the River),on the other side of the also avant-garde footbridge.